16 November 2008

Happy birthday to Granddad

I have been out of the loop for a little while, as this blog has been closed in Turkey. The telecom authorities closed it as the blog was being used for showing Turkish football league games without the proper rights, so this also hit me.

After I did a lot of lobby work by talking to several politicians and people with influential I managed to get the blog opened again.

The main reason for this work was so that I could post a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my granddad in Denmark!!

Resently I have started to eat real food. Actually what has happened is that I am getting apple, pear and grapes, as juice. In the picture you can see me suck on a grape.

I am also using my voice more and more these days. I e.g. make sure that people know when I am hungry or want to sleep. It is really nice to be able to communicate properly, especially in the middle of the night if I suddenly wake up and want food.
There is talk about getting what you want from other people, which is really to be able to sell your idea to them. I am considering to be a sales person when I grow up as I am able to sell my idea to my parents everytime I open my mouth.

04 November 2008

Seker Bayrami (Sugar holiday)

I had my first Bayram at the end of the Ramadan. It was Seker Bayrami, which seem to be a very nice thing as it includes a lot of sugar and sweets especially for kids. I am already looking forward to next year when I can actually eat all the sweets that are being offered.

We went to my grand parents for this holiday and we enjoyed the day together with my Turkish family.


Lately it has gotten colder in Istanbul. So my nose has been blocked and the noise level has increased at night in the bedroom. This has meant that I will be expelled from my parents' bedroom by the end of the week and have to sleep in my own bed.

This is of course a large step in my growing up in line with moving out of my parents' house and getting married, at least according to my mum.

I am thinking that instead of moving to the bedroom my running/blocked nose, due to the wet weather, could be fixed by moving to Denmark, as surely this most be a warmer and less wet place. At least is was when we went there for my aunt's wedding.

New things that I have started to lately include holding on to things, screaming out of joy, laughing and general conversation.